Volunteer with Us
Over the past 60 years, The Musical Museum has been run almost entirely by volunteers. We are extremely grateful to them for their invaluable enthusiasm, skills and support, which helped us to win "Highly Commended - Volunteer Team of the Year" at the Museum and Heritage awards.
Join Our Team
We are a friendly bunch and welcome everyone from all backgrounds and levels of expertise, and have opportunities to suit accordingly - from instrument restoration, to reception, audio-visual, tour guides, gardeners, accounting, marketing... and many more.
For roles that are not public-facing (such as instrument restoration and building maintenance) most of this work takes place on Tuesdays; however we also have our office spaces, roll library and workshop and there is usually "something going on" most days at the Museum whether we are open to the public or not!
We are particularly looking for help with fundraising and marketing, as well as technical theatre or film / media students who can help us with filming, vision mixing and editing for our YouTube channel - but we would be delighted to welcome a new volunteer in any capacity.